Product Information

R1234yf belongs to a new family of HFOs (hydro-fluoro-olefins) that have a low GWP. R1234yf is intended for automotive air conditioning systems, some other R134a applications, and it is a component in some HFC blends to help lower the overall GWP. This product is mildly flammable, but has been deemed safe by itself in new automotive systems. It should not be used to retrofit existing R134a equipment.
R1234yf Online Training
- Presented by Honeywell
These videos provide a better understanding and the requirements needed when operating a R1234yf system.
Honeywell R1234yf Training
Automotive R134A R1234YF Brochure
Part Number | Product Description |
008R1234yf | 8 OZ. AUTOMOTIVE CAN |
10R1234yf | 10 LB. CYLINDER |